Ezenwa okeke popularly known and called Murphy by friends is a 26 years old guyman, as they put it, lived in Malaysia. from Obowu in Mbaise Imo state. small boy kaiii. At 26 he's made so much money. started a pure water company in owerri. this guy made more than 250million naira this year alone oohh according to friends and family...He recently acquired 4 new trucks for his pure water company, got married August last year and wife is pregnant. He came back from Malaysia about a month ago to Nigeria and stayed indoors for one whole month until last week friday according to an eye witness he shot himslef to death. His been laid to rest today. For now, this is the story we know, and what the family have made us to believe. cotd to read.
Please people tell me how a young man at 26, whom has made over 250 million naira this year, married expecting a child from wife just wake up and shoot himself to death. Horrors of this world will not let us see clearly but please help me judge how this can happen. This
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